KeyGhost SX - 512KB
Monitor keystrokes for safety and confidence.

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Where to buy KeyGhost SX

Read what the technology press is saying about KeyGhost

“I was surprised how easy KeyGhost was to install. The very epitome of plug and play.”
Computer Active

“KeyGhost excels in every department.”
Acid Hardware

“We were unable to defeat the KeyGhost… we tried everything… KeyGhost amazed us.”
Mostly Creative Workshop

“What do I think of this thing? Well, let's put it this way. If you want it, you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers.”
Dan’s Data


User Comments

“KeyGhost just reduced my stress almost 100%!”
Baron R. K. Von Wolfsheild
(Appeared in Time magazine, 15 years experience in games design, responsible for such classic games as Galactic Invasion and Firepower)



The KeyGhost SX Main Menu provides you with a number of choices.

Note: KeyGhost operation does not require any software to be installed. It is a software free keylogger (key logger, keyloggers) which means is does not require any software to be installed to record or retrieve the KeyGhost keyloggers memory. This makes KeyGhost undetectable by software scanners (e.g. 'Spycop' and 'Who's Watching Me' - which detect most software keyloggers).

Main Menu:

Hit 'c' to slow down menu

KeyGhost SX Std 512KB v8.8

Menu >

1) Entire log download
2) Section log download
3) Erase log
4) Format
5) Options
6) Optimize speed
7) Password change
8) eXit

Select > _

Type a number between 1 and 8 to make your selection.

1) Entire log download
The most commonly selected menu item. Use this to begin downloading the entire log of recorded keystrokes from KeyGhost SX.

2) Section log download
This option is used to retrieve a small portion of the log. It saves time by allowing you to begin downloading from any offset you choose. e.g. If you only want to view the most recent 5000 keystrokes.

3) Erase log
This option is used to quickly delete the log.

4) Format
This will securely wipe the log by completely overwriting the stored keystrokes. It takes a few minutes as it overwrites the complete memory of the KeyGhost SX bit-by-bit.
Note: Make sure not to change the active window until KeyGhost SX has finished the format.

5) Options
Selecting this opens the sub-menu below:

1) KeyStream: Off

<Key Filtering>
2) Compress: Off
3) Combos: On
4) Special: On
5) Arrow ('Special' must be 'On'): On

Select or [enter] to exit > _

Type a number between 1 and 5 to toggle the KeyGhost SX options On/Off

1) KeyStream: Off
Turning KeyStream 'On' enables the built-in KeyGhost SX high-speed download mode.

KeyGhost SX uses a Patent Pending method to enable the highest speed transfer currently achievable - over 450 characters per second - this is 3 times faster than previous 'KeyGhost' and 'KeyGhost II' models. The speed of download is also based on the 'Optimize speed' selection in the main menu. Set the speed setting to 1 under the 'Optimize speed' selection to ensure you are getting the maximum retrieval speed from your KeyGhost SX.
(See Main Menu selection ' 6' ).

<Key Filtering>
Options 2,3,4 and 5 in the options menu control the recording of different keys and combinations.

2) Compress: Off
If this option is set to On, KeyGhost SX will compress repeatedly pressed or held keys. This helps to cut down the amount of data stored in the log (saving memory space) and makes the keystroke log more readable when retrieved.

3) Combos: On
When this is set to On, KeyGhost SX records all key combinations pressed. e.g. NT Logon (CTRL+ALT+DEL), Copy (CTRL+C), Paste (CTRL+V). This makes it easy to spot the Windows NT/2000 Logon as well as giving a deeper insight into what activity was taking place on the PC.

4) Special: On
Special is set to On, KeyGhost SX will record all function and special keys. e.g. Backspace, Tab, F1-F12.
Note: Turning off recording of special keys will also disable recording of arrow keys.

5) Arrow ('Special' must be 'On'): On
By setting Arrow to Off, it is possible to only disable recording of Arrow keys without affecting recording of Special keys. Note: Special must be set to On, or KeyGhost will not record arrow keys (even if the Arrow option is set to On).

Select or [enter] to exit > _
Make your selection or press any key to exit the Options sub-menu.

6) Optimize speed
Selecting this option will bring up the speed optimization sub-menu below:

If menu corrupted, decrease Ghost speed.

Current speed: 3000.
[ Default speed is set to 3000, an average speed ]

New speed 1[fast] to 20000[slow] or [enter] to exit > 1
[ Enter 1 for the fastest speed ]

Updating-> done

This is one of the most important menu options as it enables you to change the speed that KeyGhost 'Types' on your keyboard. Most modern desktop PCs can handle the fastest speed setting, but if your PC is beeping or missing characters you will need to slow this speed down.

LOOK: Entering a speed setting of 1 when 'KeyStream*' (Options menu) is set to 'On' will enable you to use the 'Ghost menu' to retrieve the recorded keystrokes at the highest possible speed
- over 450 characters per second !
*Patent Pending

7) Password change
Selecting this option will bring up the password change sub-menu below:

WARNING: Changing password wipes log.
Are you sure (y/n) ? y
[ KeyGhost SX will auto format when the password is changed ]

Password must be all *letters*, from 8 to 12 letters long.

Enter new password > mypassword
[ Type your selected password ]
Repeat new password > mypassword
[ Confirm your selected password ]
This takes 1 min.

Are you sure (y/n) ? y
[ Confirm password change ]

Do not change window until done.

Formatting............................................................... done
[ Formats memory ]

Now logging...
[ Done. Now KeyGhost SX will only respond to your new password ]

IMPORTANT: If you change your password, make sure to write it down. If you lose your password you will be unable to access your KeyGhost and will have to return it to the manufacturer for reprogramming.

Note: Make sure to choose a unique password that will never be typed during normal operation of the PC. Choosing an existing password (KeyGhost password same as your email password etc) is a bad idea as the KeyGhost SX menu will activate whenever you type it.
An example of a good password is 'mypsskgibyyl'

8) eXit
Pressing space bar or 8 quickly exits the Main Menu.


KeyGhost is completely undetectable by software spyware scanners (e.g. SpyCop, Who’s Watching Me...etc that detect software keyloggers) and provides you with one of the most powerful stealth surveillance applications offered anywhere.

Kit Includes: KeyGhost SX. Instruction sheet. Warranty card. Tamper evident seal.
Example notification banner as recommended by U.S. Department of Justice.

System Requirements:
Desktop IBM PC compatible. PS/2 (small round plug) keyboard.
KeyGhost SX works on ALL PC operating systems (Windows 95,98,ME,NT,XP,2000 Linux, Beos, OS/2, Dos, Sun Solaris).

> PLEASE NOTE: USB keyboards (small rectangular plug) are not currently supported.

We respect your privacy and security. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments.
Tel: +64 3 379-3883. Fax: +64 3 379-3885. Email:
Postal Address: KeyGhost LTD, P.O.Box 3279, Christchurch 8001, New Zealand.
Physical Address: 109 Montreal Street, Christchurch, New Zealand.

NATO Classification Information
KeyGhost LTD (NATO supplier) NCAGE Code E1969

'KeyGhost' is a Registered Trademark of KeyGhost Ltd. 'KeyStream' and 'KeyGhost SX' are Trademarks of KeyGhost Ltd - Patents Pending.
© Copyright 2000 KeyGhost Ltd. All rights Reserved.